The rice planted in the LVNP is mainly for wildlife to eat. But the straw we collected can be used to cover soil surface to prevent weed from growing and keep soil moisture. What else can the straw be used? How about making mini figures with it and let you bring it home?
The workshop takes about 30 minutes. Limited quotas will be allocated by balloting. Registration will open about 10 days before the activity for a 5-day period. Successful applicants will be notified by email 4 days before.
Mini Straw Figure Workshop will be conducted on Saturdays or Sundays.
Please register through the following link.
Note: Visitors are not allowed to pick, cut or damage any plant in the LVNP. Plant materials used in the workshop is collected in our habitat management.
What to have a deeper experience of the Long Valley Nature Park (LVNP)? Ready for a 90 minutes outdoor walk? Want to know what’s in the Agriculture Zone and the Biodiversity Zone of the LVNP? Our Guided Tour will provide you a comprehensive overview and experience of the LVNP through excursion and wildlife sighting.
As the response in previous activities was overwhelming, limited quotas will now be allocated by balloting. Registration will open about 10 days before the activity for a 5-day period. Successful applicants will be notified by email 4 days before the activity.
Guided tours will be conducted on Saturdays or Sundays.
Please register through the following link.
For group visit, please contact us by email ( with intended visit date (at least 2 weeks after and within 3 months), time, group size, contact information, etc. for further arrangement.
Notes to Applicants: